MSCA District 3

Cities in District: Carson, Dominguez, Harbor City, Lomita, San Pedro, Wilmington
Correspondence & Donations: 1840 S. Gaffey St., Unit 251, San Pedro, CA 90731-5361
Central Office: All South Bay 1411 Marcelina Ave. Torrance, CA 90502 310-618-1180
District Meeting Times and Locations Please attend the District 1 Committee Meeting 2nd Thursday of Every Month. DCMC - Erin - ***Service Workshop Every Second and Fourth Monday: ZoomID:320-861-4908 Pass:925644 ***District Business Meeting 2nd Thursday of Every Month. 6:00-6:40pm Concepts Study with Q&A presented by Past delegates from around the nation. 7:00-7:30pm GSR Newcomer Orientation 6:45- 7:25 Mini Workshops on various topics. 7:30-9:00pm District Business Meeting Zoom Information: Meeting ID: 929 014 8764. Password: panel70 AA Group Change Form |