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Delegate's Bulletin Board

Pacific Region Trustee’s Report 17 February 2020

Personal Mission Statement: “I’m committed to being totally available and responsible to MSCA 09 members, to help provide a healthy infrastructure to communicate among individuals, Groups, Districts, Area, and the General Service Office, while using as few acronyms as possible!”

Kathi F’s Pacific Regional Trustee’s Report
January/February 2020 Board Weekend
Report dated February 5th, 2020
The “January” Board Weekend is definitely my favorite, as this is the weekend that we are joined by our Delegate Conference Committee Chairs. This year we had 2 from the Pacific Region: Teddy from Area 6 and Alan from Area 72. Each Conference Committee Chair is given a full voice in their corresponding Trustee Committee Meetings and this is a great asset to the Trustee Committee members. It helps us to come to decisions on which Agenda items to forward, it brings great insight from the fellowship, and many times the delegates suggest things that should be included in background.

The overwhelming feeling for this weekend was mutual respect and it was a definite “roll up your sleeves weekend” as we had much work to do. This weekend was the beginning of the reflection of our Conference Theme “2020, A Clear Vision for You”. Not only were we looking at potential agenda items and progress reports, but there were very in-depth conversations and information exchanges that needed to be had. The Finance Committee met for over 4 hours which is more than double the time allotted. Every delegate who attended this committee stayed the entire 4 hours.

For myself, I consciously tried to view our Trustee’s Committee meetings from the delegates eyes. What I observed and was confirmed by sharing from the delegates, was the Trustee Committees are working very hard with the fellowship in mind and working together very well for the good of A.A. which included some difficult conversations. Also, our delegates are fantastic and are so dedicated to the work at hand! I am blessed beyond measure to do this work with an amazing group of people and look forward to a productive, visionary conference.

AAWS report highlights

AA Grapevine/La Vina report highlights

Trustees’ committees
Here are some highlights from some of the committee reports. Within a few weeks you will receive the full reports of AAWS, AAGV and the Trustees Committees. I will not be reporting on all the Agenda Items as these will be available with background in the next few days.

Sharing from one of the Delegate Chairs “The Communication has tremendously improved and I appreciate seeing how the Board interacts, functions and comes to a group conscience. I feel very confident in the Board after this weekend experience”
Other sharing after the presentations included, “Doesn’t matter if you are in minority or majority, you are part of the group conscience”
“The Unity Statement Guides our Group Conscience”

Thank you for allowing me to be of service! I am filled with gratitude to do this work and I will never be able to repay A.A. although I will continue to try.
Kathi F.
Pacific Regional Trustee

In Love and Service, Ed. L,
MSCA 09, Panel 70 Delegate
(760) 964-0012