Mid-Southern California Area 9
"Area Secretary"
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Secretary Panel 60

Mid-Southern California
Area 9
P.O. Box 51446
Irvine, CA. 92619-1446

How can we Improve this Website?
Send your ideas to EMSC Web Coordinator.  The  Electronic Media Sub Committee (EMSC) is a subcommittee of the Area Communications Committee.
MSCA Expense Report Form (Downloadable copy of the form used to recoup MSCA expenses. This form is in pdf format) (updated 02-02-2010)

 Area Secretary

The Area Secretary does the following:

a. Takes the minutes of the Assembly and Area Service Committee meetings. After approval by the Delegate and Chair, distributes the minutes and the agenda for the next meeting in a timely manner to D.C.M.C.s, Alternate D.C.M.C.s, D.C.M.s, Area Officers, Chairs and Co-chairs of Standing and Coordinate Committees, Past Delegates, Pacific Regional Trustee, and the General Service Office. The Secretary takes minutes of the Executive Committee's meetings and, after review by the Delegate and/or Chair, distributes them and the agenda for the next Area meeting to the Area Officers and D.C.M.C.s.

b. Ensures that a roster of the Area Service Committee is distributed semiannually to members of the Area Assembly and advises G.S.O. of changes in the Area Service Committee.

c.  Has custody of the records of the Area Assembly.

d.  Maintains a current mailing list and telephone numbers of all members of the Area Service Committee.

e. Notifies in a timely manner all Area Service Committee members of meetings and agenda of the Area Service Committee and Assembly.

f. Circulates and maintains on file district sign up rosters to be used as voting eligibility lists.

g.  Prepares and maintains the Area Service Committee roster.

Site Map

Panel 58 Area Officer Positions
Click below for more information


Current Approved Minutes



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