Mid-Southern California Area 9
Area Communications Committee
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  • Submit Newsletter Articles for Publishing  - Newsletter Chair Panel 60 in the MSCA 09 monthly newsletter.  The ANSC is a subcommittee of the Area Communications Committee.

Website Submission & Navigation Information:

How can we Improve this Website?

Send your ideas to EMSC Web Coordinator.  The  Electronic Media Sub Committee (EMSC) is a subcommittee of the Area Communications Committee.

Website Services, News and Statistics:

Website news: 2008 statistics: The website averaged 7,041 unique visitors (i.e. sessions) each month with an average of 47,148 monthly hits. Top pages viewed were the English and the Spanish home pages, followed by newsletters, guidelines, agendas, minutes, maps, and district pages. Please see the link below for the statistical breakdown for the year. Web Statistics 2008 (Graph and Stats) (updated 2-9-09)

Website Services (includes Improvement Process and Progress) (This 2-page document shows the website services we offer, and the the process we use to evaluate, accept and/or reject ideas that are sent to us on how to improve the MSCA website's usefulness to the MSCA. It also includes a list of new ideas that were accepted, rejected, and are still under discussion by the Electronic Media Subcommittee) (originally posted 9-12-05) (updated 1-14-06, 2-5-06 and 5-29-06)

Purpose:  The Mid-Southern California Area (M.S.C.A.) Communications Committee (ACC) is composed of four subcommittees for the purpose of facilitating communication within M.S.C.A, and the fellowship at large. The result is that these subcommittees have an interconnection and mutual resources, as well as a common voice.
Scope:  All actions of the Area Communications Committee (ACC) are governed by the Twelve Traditions of AA, the Twelve Concepts for World Service, and the Guidelines of the Mid-Southern California Area. The guidelines of each Communications Committee Subcommittee are incorporated within, and are part of, the Area Communications Guidelines  (January 2009)


(ANSC) Area Newsletter Subcommittee:

Photo of a newsletter

As part of the Mid-Southern California Area (MSCA) 09 Communications Committee, the Area Newsletter Sub-Committee (ANSC) shall consist of volunteer AA members, charged with the responsibility of producing and distributing The MSCA Newsletter (hereinafter called The Newsletter).  All members of the ANSC are automatically members of the Area Communications Committee and will meet with this Committee at monthly Assemblies, ASC’s or at other designated times. The Newsletter is published monthly (except in April & July). There is also no Newsletter published in October of odd-numbered years (2003, 2005… etc.), nor in November of even-numbered years (2004, 2006… etc.) and is supported solely through contributions sent to the Area. The Newsletter is published for the benefit of the Mid-Southern California Area AA membership and may include but is not limited to the following:

  1. Local AA news and information about groups and committees

  2. Reprinted material from AA literature

  3. Sharing of experience in recovery, unity and service

  4. Information pertaining to Area actions, finances and meetings

  5. Information regarding AA service, events, and announcements (In keeping with A.A.’s Tradition of non-affiliation, no events exclusively planned as fund raising events will be listed in The Newsletter)

(EMSC) Electronic Media Subcommittee:

The purpose of the Electronic Media Subcommittee (EMSC) is to use electronic media (e.g. MSCA website) to inform the members of the MSCA and others of the activities, history and structure of the Area.

Your current website coordinator will have fulfilled four years of service by 2012. So, in less than two years: We will need a volunteer with HTML/web coding experience for the 2012 Website Coordinator position.  It is highly suggested that you work with the current web coordinator several months in advance. Reading and writing in both English/Spanish is helpful but not required; we have translators who have been wonderful help.  Please contact Area Communications Chair 2010 if you can be of service and fill this position!

(ATSC) Area Translations Subcommittee:

Thank you photo

The Area Translations Sub-Committee (ATSC) is responsible to the Area Assembly and the Area Communications Committee.

1. Translation: The ATSC is charged with the translation2 of all documents received from:

  • a) A member of the Area Officers Committee,

  • b) The chair, or co-chair of any of the Area standing committees or sub-committees,

  • c) The planning committee chair for the Pre-Conference Workshop, the MSCA Foro or the Servathon.

Note: For continuity and in order to avoid confusion, all requests for translation shall be presented to the Communications Chair who will assure that the Translation Committee receives the material.

2. Translation Software: Annually, the ATSC will work with the Communications Equipment Sub-Committee (CESC) in evaluating and, if necessary, budgeting for and acquiring appropriate language translation software.

3. Professional Translation Services: When no other avenue of timely translation is available, or the document being translated requires professional translation, the ATSC should consider retaining the services of professional translation services to ensure that all translations are completed in a timely manner. It is a prudent practice that three competitive cost estimates for the work being consigned be are obtained prior to hiring the professional translation service.

This type of outside professional services should have a suitable amount entered as a budget item each fiscal year.

(CESC) Communication Equipment Subcommittee:

computer photo

The Communications Equipment Sub-Committee(CESC) is responsible to the Area Assembly and the Area Communications Committee (ACC).

As part of the ACC, the CESC, always in cooperation with the Finance Committee, is charged with the following:

1. Maintaining an inventory of the following equipment owned by MSCA:

  • a) audio/visual equipment

  • b) translation equipment

  • c) software

  • d) computers and printers

2. When requested by the ACC, the CESC is responsible for researching, evaluating and preparing a written recommendation (including cost estimates) for any electronic equipment, computer software or repairs to electronic equipment. In most instances, it is strongly suggested that at least three sources, along with the corresponding cost estimates, be provided as part of the evaluation.

3. Will take responsibility for the lawful disposal of any broken equipment or obsolete software having to do with communication equipment as described above.

4. On an annual basis, in the third quarter, prepare a report of all electronic equipment that would be a candidate for replacement, with costs and prioritization for the purchases. This report would be presented to the ACC Chair no later than September 30th of each year. The preparation of this report is a year-long activity. The CESC should work closely with all MSCA standing committees and sub-committees, the Area Officers committee and especially with the Area Finance Committee for the purpose of ensuring that a comprehensive, accurate and prudent report is prepared.

Site Map

Latest MCSA 09 Newsletter:

MCSA 09 Newsletter Archives:

MSCA 09 Expense Report Form:

MSCA Expense Report Form (Downloadable copy of the form used to recoup MSCA expenses. This form is in pdf format) (updated 02-02-2010)


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